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AI’s Role in Cosmetics Manufacturing

Kiefer Eaton

4 minutes
Last Updated:
October 16, 2024

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The beauty industry is in a constant state of evolution driven by trends, consumer demands, and technological advancements. As cosmetic manufacturers strive to meet high quality, efficiency, and sustainability standards, AI is becoming crucial to remain competitive. 

AI is often applied on the consumer side, improving experiences like product personalization through skin analysis, virtual try-ons using augmented reality (AR), and customer service through chatbots.1 In this article, we’ll shift focus to how AI is transforming the cosmetics production process before the product reaches the consumer.

From formulation to production scale-up, AI enables cosmetic companies to move beyond traditional, manual processes, allowing them to optimize every stage of the production cycle.

The Key Benefits of Process Optimization in Cosmetics Manufacturing

In cosmetics manufacturing, precision is crucial. Manufacturers must ensure that their products consistently meet high standards for texture, color, stability, and performance. This is where AI plays a pivotal role, providing the tools necessary to streamline processes and reduce inconsistencies.

Enhanced Product Quality: AI-powered systems enable manufacturers identify any deviations in product quality and adjust production parameters in real time, ensuring that the final product meets stringent quality criteria such as purity, consistency, and safety.2

Cost Efficiency: AI-driven process optimization helps minimize material waste, optimize resource usage, and improve energy efficiency. This leads to significant cost savings for manufacturers, especially as AI can prevent production inefficiencies before they occur.3

Faster Scale-Up & Time-to-Market: AI accelerates the transition from research and development (R&D) to full-scale production by simulating and refining processes before production begins. As a result, manufacturers can scale up production more quickly and consistently, reducing lead times and allowing products to reach the market faster.4

Reduction in Waste & Sustainable Manufacturing: By fine-tuning processes and using predictive analytics, AI helps cosmetic manufacturers reduce waste and minimize the environmental impact of production.5 This is becoming an increasingly important factor as consumers demand more sustainable practices from beauty brands.6

AI-Enabled Technologies in Cosmetic Process Optimization

AI has emerged as a precision tool for optimizing cosmetic manufacturing. Traditional methods often rely on trial and error, requiring multiple rounds of physical testing. In contrast, AI-driven, data-backed processes offer a more efficient and effective approach. By leveraging predictive modeling, real-time monitoring, and advanced algorithms, AI allows manufacturers to achieve greater control and insight over their production processes.

A. Predictive Modeling for Process Development & Scale-Up

One of the most significant applications of AI in cosmetic manufacturing is predictive modeling. AI models can simulate how different ingredients, temperatures, and mixing speeds interact, predicting how these factors will influence the final product as the process scales up. This capability is crucial for manufacturers, as it allows them to scale production without sacrificing quality.

A practical example can be seen in emulsions, a common formulation involving the mixture of immiscible liquids like water and oil. During the mixing process, emulsions can have significant variations in viscosity, making it difficult to establish optimal operating conditions—especially when scaling up production.7 AI models can predict how a formulation’s viscosity might change when transitioning from a small lab batch to full-scale production. By doing so, manufacturers can adjust parameters to maintain product consistency, ensuring faster and more efficient production, particularly on a larger scale.

Figure 1: Viscosity for small and commercial scale simulated on the Basetwo platform

With predictive modeling, manufacturers can anticipate how product attributes like texture, color, and stability will change under different conditions. This reduces the need for costly and time-consuming physical trials, ensuring faster and efficient production on a larger scale.8

B. Real-Time Monitoring and Quality Control for Manufacturing Efficiency

AI systems are capable of real-time monitoring, allowing manufacturers to detect and prevent quality issues before they result in wasted materials or failed batches. This predictive capability ensures that products meet quality standards while optimizing resource usage.

For example, one study (Burke et al., 2024) developed and tested a smart sensor system for monitoring emulsification in industrial cosmetic production. The sensor uses a camera to capture images of the emulsion, which are analyzed by AI to measure droplet sizes in real-time during production. In this way, AI can monitor the interaction between oil and water phases, ensuring that the desired emulsion is achieved consistently. By doing so, manufacturers can produce products that have the correct texture, absorbency, and stability, reducing variability across batches.9

Figure 2: Setup of the emulsification process with the analytical bypass (Burke et al., 2022).

By providing manufacturers with real-time insights into processes like mixing, emulsification, and cooling, AI systems ensure that product quality remains consistent across all production cycles. This reduces the need for manual adjustments and rework, maximizing efficiency and efficacy.10

C. Formulation Optimization for Product Development

Formulation optimization is a complex process that involves testing different ingredient combinations and production steps to achieve the desired product qualities. AI accelerates this process by analyzing large datasets from previous formulations, identifying the most promising combinations, and predicting how they will perform.

In this way, AI reduces the time and resources required for R&D. Instead of relying solely on physical trials, manufacturers can use AI to conduct virtual experiments that narrow down the most effective formulations. This not only speeds up product development but also ensures that the final product meets both performance and regulatory requirements.

To provide a clearer understanding, we can examine a real-world example in which a team of researchers developed a machine learning (ML) model to optimize the formulation of cleansing foam, a product frequently used for makeup removal. Since these products contain many ingredients like surfactants, pH adjusters, and water, creating the right formula can be difficult. To address this, the team created over 500 different cleansing formulas and used cheminformatics tools to analyze each one. By training the ML model with data from these formulas, they were able to accurately predict the cleansing effectiveness of new formulations.11

AI tools can help optimize a formulation’s absorption rate, viscosity, or color stability based on specific consumer demands. This allows manufacturers to create products that are both high-performing and tailored to market trends, all while reducing the time spent in the lab.

Figure 3: Examples of formulation experimentations

Case Study: Basetwo’s AI-Powered Optimization of the Emulsion Kettle

Basetwo, an AI-enabled process optimization platform, offers a prime example of how AI can enhance cosmetic manufacturing. In a project with a Fortune 500 Cosmetics Manufacturer, Basetwo’s platform was used to optimize the emulsification kettle.

Through AI-driven monitoring and predictive modeling, the Fortune 500 was able to maintain consistent product quality while reducing waste and improving energy efficiency. The result was faster production cycles, reduced costs, and a more sustainable manufacturing process, all while ensuring the high standards expected of the brand’s products.


As consumer demand for high-quality, sustainable, and innovative cosmetics grows, AI-driven process optimization is becoming a crucial tool for manufacturers. By optimizing processes from formulation to scale-up, AI helps cosmetic brands stay competitive in a fast-paced market.

Cosmetic manufacturers who invest in AI technologies will not only enhance product quality and reduce costs but also gain the agility to quickly adapt to shifting consumer preferences and regulatory requirements.

To learn more about how AI can optimize your cosmetic manufacturing processes, reach out to Basetwo and explore what's possible for your team.

Or explore Basetwo’s use case for cosmetics process optimization:


  1. Masnita, Y., Ramadina, A. A., Zahra, A., & Bakiewicz, A. (n.d.). Mastering The World Of Artificial Intelligence: Strategies In The Beauty Industry. In Social Green Behaviour, artificial Intelligence and Business Strategies & Perspectives in Global Digital Society. essay. 
  2. The evolving role of artificial intelligence in the cosmetics industry: Current applications and future prospects. (n.d.).
  3. Altamirano, F., & Vallejo-Huanga, D. (2024). Cost operation optimization with binary integer linear programming in a cosmetic company. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing, 45–57. 
  4. Bristol, H., Boer, E. de, Kroon, D. de, Shahani, R., & Torti, F. (2024, February 21). Adopting AI at speed and scale: The 4IR push to stay competitive. McKinsey & Company. 
  5. Driven formulation optimization for cosmetics: AI/ML Development Solutions. AI. (n.d.). 
  6. Consumer attitudes towards clean beauty: 2023 survey. CleanHub. (n.d.). 
  7. Calvo, F., Gómez, J. M., Alvarez, O., & Ricardez-Sandoval, L. (2022). Effect of emulsification parameters on the rheology, texture, and physical stability of cosmetic emulsions: A multiscale approach. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 186, 407–415. 
  8. Zhu, T., Moussa, E. M., Witting, M., Zhou, D., Sinha, K., Hirth, M., Gastens, M., Shang, S., Nere, N., Somashekar, S. C., Alexeenko, A., & Jameel, F. (2018). Predictive models of lyophilization process for development, scale-up/tech transfer and manufacturing. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 128, 363–378. 
  9. Burke I, Salzer S, Stein S, Olusanya TOO, Thiel OF, Kockmann N. AI-Based Integrated Smart Process Sensor for Emulsion Control in Industrial Application. Processes. 2024; 12(9):1821.
  10. Thompson, S. (2024, May 30). Cosmetic Chemistry: Mastering temperature for perfect emulsification. Powerblanket. 
  11. Hamaguchi M, Miwake H, Nakatake R, Arai N. Predicting the Performance of Functional Materials Composed of Polymeric Multicomponent Systems Using Artificial Intelligence—Formulations of Cleansing Foams as an Example. Polymers. 2023; 15(21):4216.
What are the benefits of AI in cosmetic manufacturing?

AI enhances product quality by enabling real-time monitoring and adjustments, ensuring consistent results across batches. It also improves cost efficiency by minimizing waste and optimizing resource usage, while speeding up production timelines for faster market delivery.

What are some applications of AI in cosmetics manufacturing?

AI is used for predictive modeling to simulate ingredient interactions and ensure smooth production scaling. It also enables real-time quality control during processes like emulsification and helps optimize formulations by analyzing large datasets, reducing the need for trial and error.

What are the benefits of process optimization in cosmetics?

AI-driven process optimization ensures consistency and high quality in products, reduces material waste and energy use, and accelerates production timelines. This leads to cost savings, improved sustainability, and faster time-to-market for cosmetic manufacturers.

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