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AI Optimization Methods for Assembly Line Balancing in Aerospace

Thouheed Abdul Gaffoor

6 minutes
Last Updated:
September 10, 2024

Table of Contents

In the aerospace industry, the assembly line is a critical component of the production process, to construct aircraft, spacecraft, and other flight systems efficiently and with high precision. 

Given the complexity of the process, achieving assembly line balance is essential to optimizing productivity, reducing costs, and maintaining high-quality standards.

This article explores the importance of assembly line balancing in aircraft assembly, outlining the common challenges manufacturers face and examining AI-powered methods for solving the Assembly Line Balancing Problem (ALBP).

The Assembly Process for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner

To put the importance and complexity of line balancing into context, we can take a look at the manufacturing process for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft. 

Figure 1: Assembly of Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner Aircraft (Source: Seattle Times)

The 787 employs a distributed manufacturing approach, meaning major aircraft components are produced by subcontractors worldwide, including wings from Japan, fuselage sections from Italy and Japan, and doors from France and Sweden.1

After the components are shipped to the factory in North Charleston, South Carolina, several sub-assemblies are prepared. The midbody is assembled first, followed by the aftbody, which involves constructing the rear fuselage sections. Once complete, the interiors assembly focuses on installing key internal components like panels, storage bins, and cabin equipment.

Finally, the sub-assembled fuselage sections are brought together on the final assembly line, where up to eight 787s can be built simultaneously, completing the complex orchestration of the entire manufacturing process.2

The global nature of this supply chain coupled with the complexity of aircraft assembly showcases the importance of line balancing. A precise balancing of tasks and resources ensures a smooth and even distribution of workload that avoids bottlenecks, this ensures that the maximum amount of 787s can be produced while enhancing quality in the most cost-effective way.

Problems Manufacturers Face with Line Balancing

Ensuring Quality at Each Stage of the Assembly Line

Each stage of assembly undergoes rigorous inspection and quality checks; however, non-conformance events can be difficult to identify and may disrupt the entire assembly line, causing delays in subsequent tasks.3 

An added difficulty in balancing quality and efficiency is that problems uncovered during inspections often require rework, which can cascade and affect numerous downstream tasks, further complicating the assembly process.3

Figure 2: Quality Inspection & Rework in Aircraft Assembly

Real-time visibility into emerging issues and taking proactive steps to prevent non-conformance are essential for maintaining high quality and keeping the production line running smoothly without disruptions.

The Interdependent Nature of Tasks

Aircraft assembly is a highly sequential process where many tasks cannot begin until preceding tasks are completed, making it difficult to balance workloads across workstations while adhering to precedence constraints.4 

For example, the Boeing 787 assembly line follows a critical path, ensuring that each component is installed in the proper sequence to prevent rework and delays. A delay in the assembly of major components like the fuselage, wings, or tail can have a ripple effect, pushing back subsequent tasks such as the installation of the electrical wiring.2

A variety of unforeseen challenges can disrupt this process, from tasks taking longer than anticipated to breakdowns in essential equipment. Even a minor delay in one task can quickly cascade, causing bottlenecks and creating widespread delays across the entire assembly line. 

To address this, manufacturers must carefully plan their assembly line balancing to not only be efficient but also to avoid overburdening any one workstation. This allows for greater flexibility in the process and ensures that no workstation is running at full capacity, which could otherwise lead to bottlenecks, increased equipment wear, and reduced ability to handle unexpected disruptions.5

Figure 3: Precedence Diagram for Tasks (source: ResearchGate)

Resource Availability & Supply Chain Issues

In the production process for the 787, the timely arrival of components from Japan, Italy and France is crucial for maintaining the assembly schedule. Limited availability of resources, low inventory levels, or delays in the arrival of parts, create bottlenecks, delaying the entire assembly process.

Similarly, on the assembly line, the availability of skilled workers and specialized equipment must be available at precise times. Delays in one area can lead to idle resources in another, affecting overall efficiency. Manufacturers are challenged to balance these constraints when assigning tasks to workstations to avoid overloading certain areas while underutilizing others.6

Figure 4: The Interdependent Nature of Aircraft Assembly

Driving Productivity with Keeping Costs Down

Assembly can make up as much as 50% of the total production timeline and over 20% of the overall manufacturing costs for aircraft. For this reason, efficiently balancing assembly lines is crucial to enhancing profitability and maintaining competitiveness for aircraft manufacturers.7

These costs can be attributed to equipment, labour, setup, idle time, and reconfiguration of the assembly line, with equipment and labour being the primary costs.8 

Balancing the assembly line while minimizing costs across these areas is a constant challenge for manufacturers.

AI-Enabled Methods for an Optimized Line Balancing Process

Part 1: Simulation of Aircraft Assembly Lines

One effective approach to optimizing line balancing for ALBP is to simulate the process through the use of digital twins. By creating a virtual model of the assembly line, manufacturers can simulate different scenarios to identify potential bottlenecks and streamline workflows. 

Due to the variability and uncertainty in aircraft assembly, simulations can support manufacturers in a proactive approach to line balancing. By modeling stochastic elements like variable task completion times, equipment breakdowns, material delays, and worker availability, manufacturers gain a more accurate assessment of line performance.10

Manufacturers can utilize discrete event simulation (DES)—a digital twin model that simulates specific events at distinct moments in time11 —to include precedence networks for mapping out task dependencies while considering the stochastic elements mentioned above.12 

The primary advantage of simulation and virtual experimentation is that it allows manufacturers to explore how the manufacturing line behaves and how it responds to changes. It increases process understanding and also provides insights into efficient ways to balance the assembly line without needing to alter the physical plant.13

Part 2: Optimization of Assembly Lines

Optimization takes simulation a step further by leveraging the virtual replication of the assembly line process to explore the most efficient way to balance the line.

By leveraging multi-objective optimization, manufacturers can achieve multiple goals simultaneously through solving ALBP, such as minimizing the cycle time (and simultaneously increasing productivity rate), lowering equipment costs, and ensuring tasks are distributed smoothly across the assembly line. 

AI-powered modeling enables manufacturers to achieve these objectives while accounting for key constraints like setup times between tasks, operation durations, and task dependencies.14 In one case study using DES to make small adjustments and improvements to a production line, productivity was increased by nearly 400%.15 

As a real-world example, we can explore the paper “A Digital Twin-based approach to the real-time assembly line balancing problem” (Ragazzini, L. et al., 2021). In this paper, a digital twin was created with real-time data to simulate an operator being unavailable at a workstation for 45 minutes. Normally, this would cause the workstation’s utilization to spike close to its maximum capacity, which would delay the entire assembly. However, with real-time optimization, the impact was significantly reduced, keeping the workstation’s utilization at a manageable level, minimizing delays, and maintaining efficiency.12

Figure 5: Comparison Utilization Digital Twin (DT)/Standard12

Tools like Basetwo enable manufacturers to run numerous virtual "what if" scenarios, helping them identify the optimal strategies for balancing the line while maximizing productivity and minimizing costs.


In the aerospace industry, where precision and efficiency are paramount, achieving proper assembly line balancing is critical to success. The complex and highly interdependent nature of aircraft manufacturing, as seen in the Boeing 787 Dreamliner’s assembly process, highlights the importance of maintaining a smooth flow of production. With numerous factors to consider—from resource availability to labor constraints, equipment costs, and quality control—manufacturers face constant challenges in balancing productivity, costs, and quality.

By leveraging these AI-driven approaches, aerospace manufacturers can enhance the overall performance of their assembly lines—improving productivity, controlling costs, and maintaining the high standards of quality required for aircraft production. 

If you're looking to optimize your assembly line balancing, reach out to Basetwo and explore whats possible for your team.


  1. Hayward, J. (2021, May 15). From start to finish: How the Boeing 787 is made. Simple Flying.
  2. Chui, S. (2018). How a Boeing 787 Dreamliner is Built ?. YouTube. 
  3. Marquis, E. (2023). Blending Quality & Production Lines: In Aerospace Assembly Lines. TRIGO Group.
  4. Andreu-Casas, E., García-Villoria, A., & Pastor, R. (2022). Multi-manned assembly line balancing problem with Dependent Task Times: A heuristic based on solving a partition problem with constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 302(1), 96–116. 
  5. Assembly line balancing: A review of developments and trends in approach to industrial application. Assembly Line Balancing: A Review of Developments and Trends in Approach to Industrial Application. (n.d.). 
  6. Borreguero Sanchidrián, T. (n.d.). Scheduling with Limited Resources along the Aeronautical Supply Chain : From Parts Manufacturing Plants to Final Assembly Lines. (chapter 23, page 23).
  7. Caggiano, A., Marzano, A., & Teti, R. (2016). Resource efficient configuration of an aircraft assembly line. Procedia CIRP, 41, 236–241.
  8. Hazır, Ö., Delorme, X., & Dolgui, A. (2014). A survey on cost and profit oriented assembly line balancing. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 47(3), 6159–6167. 
  9. Biele, A., & Monch, L. (2015). Using simulation to improve planning decisions in mixed-model assembly lines. 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2, 2148–2159. 
  10. Borreguero Sanchidrián, T. (n.d.). Scheduling with Limited Resources along the Aeronautical Supply Chain : From Parts Manufacturing Plants to Final Assembly Lines. 
  11. A gentle introduction to discrete-event simulation. Software Solutions Studio. (2024, June 4). 
  12. Ragazzini, L., Saporiti, N., Negri, E., Rossi, T., Macchi, M., & Pirovano, G. (2021). A digital twin-based approach to the real-time assembly line balancing problem. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics, 93–99. 
  13. GINGU (BOTEANU)1, E.-I., ZAPCIU, M., & SINDILE, M. (2014). Balancing of Production Line Using Discrete Event Simulation. Proceedings in Manufacturing Systems, 9(4), 227–232. 
  14. S M T Nima Hamta, F Fatemi Ghomi, M Jolai, Shirazi. A hybrid PSO algorithm for a multi-objective assembly line balancing problem with flexible operation times, sequencedependent setup times and learning effect. Inernational Journal of Production Economics, 141: 99-111, 2013
  15. Zupan, H., & Herakovic, N. (2015). Production line balancing with discrete event simulation: A case study. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(3), 2305–2311. 
Why is assembly line balancing important?

Assembly line balancing is important in ensuring an even distribution of workload across all facilities and workstations, reducing idle times and bottlenecks. This leads to significant cost reduction by minimizing labor, equipment, and overhead costs through improved resource utilization. Consistency in workflow also enhances quality, reducing the likelihood of errors and non-conformance events. Moreover, a well-balanced line provides flexibility, allowing adjustments to be made in response to changes in production demands or customizations.

What are some ways to balance assembly lines in aerospace?

Balancing aerospace assembly lines can be achieved through simulation and optimization techniques. By using digital twins, manufacturers can model production scenarios, identify bottlenecks, and optimize task distribution. AI-powered optimization further improves efficiency, reducing costs and increasing productivity across the assembly line.

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